
Project Life by Stampin' Up! International Blog Hop

6:00:00 AM

This is VERY exciting for two reasons;

1. I recently clocked over 110,000 hits on my blog since its inception (September 24, 2015)! Yay!
2. I love PROJECT LIFE by Stampin' Up!

A few years ago, I was at a Stampin' Up! Convention in Melbourne where Project Life by Stampin' Up! was released. I was very excited about Project Life - memory keeping made easy. But, I was even more excited because I won a PRIZE PATROL and was one of the few that left convention that day with a card collection.

So, I was very excited to be invited to take part in this International Blog Hop that showcases Project Life. 

Since I have been regularly blogging, I haven't showcased many Project Life projects. But, that doesn't mean I haven't done them. I have a stack of photos to get through and you will be seeing more of it from now on.

When we first got a digital camera (which was in 2004 during our first year of marriage), we took photos of EVERYTHING! Like EVERYTHING! And, back in the day, we would develop EVERY SINGLE PHOTO because we could. So, we had album after album after album of photos which were nice to look at. But, because of the volume - we just wouldn't look at them. So, one day, I made the decision - we are getting rid of all albums and storing the photos in boxes because they were taking up too much room. And, that was it. I thought about scanning them all then getting rid of the photos but acknowledged it would take too much time. And, then, did I want to keep ALL of these photos? Not really! And, then Stampin' Up! released Project Life. And, that was our answer. It would take a long time, but eventually, we would get through them.

So, I opened one box, and started. The topic I started with was my sister-in-law and brother-in-laws wedding (i.e. Kylie's sister Sara and husband Dwayne). They were married a few years after us (2006), so thats why we look heaps younger in the pics. The wedding ceremony was on the beach and it was an amazingly beautiful day. Here is the double page spread I am highlighting from the album;

So, it was great to use the Love Story Project Life card collection and accessory kit. Here are the products I used - if you would like to purchase them, click on the link at the bottom of the post.

Project Life by Stampin' Up! Card Collection - Love Story

Project Life by Stampin' Up! Accessory Pack - Love Story
How nice are these cards and accessories? They are very neutral (black, white, grey, silver) so they would suit all weddings.

Would you like a closer view of these two pages?

Left Hand Page

As you can see on this layout, I used the Variety Pack 2 with the alternative pocket sizes and layouts. This particular kit doesn't have any 2x2 cards. But, as you can see above, I simply cut the cards (and photos) in half so that they would fit in the 2x2 pockets.

Right Hand Page

The cards in the collection were perfect for this layout. There were lots of colours in the photographs, so the muted neutral cards were just perfect.

These two layouts were VERY quick to complete. The photos were already printed and all I needed to do was to trim them and put them in the pockets.

Do you have photos that you could make some project life layouts?

The card collections are very reasonably priced and contain LOTS of cards. Check out the video below to see how many cards are in the collection (and how easy they are to use).

Blog Hop

Next up is Constanze Wirtz from Germany. Make sure you hop around to everyone on the list - there are some AMAZING projects to share with you. We have some very talented bloggers on this hop. If you lose track of where you are at, I have a full list of all of the participants below.

Here I am!!! ----- > Bruno Bertucci < ----- Here I am!!!

Products Used

Below I have included a table showing the products used on this project. Click on any of the images to buy them now.

Click Here to Shop Now

Host Code Club

The only way to describe this is FREE STUFF FOR YOU!!! Its really as simple as that.

So far, we have given away almost EIGHTY stamp sets in the last three months to our valued customers who entered the Host Code. Its as easy as that!

Is there anything else we can help you with? Please email us if you need any other information or have any questions.

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  1. I am so excited to see these Project life pages - what wonderful memories with my family and the wedding! Thank you for getting them into an album Bruno - love that you love Project lIfe.

  2. Such beautiful pages! Isn´t it awesome how easy it is to creat awesome albums? Love it! :o)

  3. What a great layout. Love your album Bruno. (Hey - long hair there Kylie!)

  4. I can so relate to taking pictures of everything. And then I have anxiety about deleting the ones that I do not need! It is madness!



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